Pershore Education Review – update
Pershore Education Review – update on latest progress with the proposal to move to a fully two-tier education system
Background - Activity to date:
A public consultation took place between October and November 2021. We sought views from parents, carers and other stakeholders on the proposed required changes to existing first, middle and high schools to move to a primary and secondary education journey for children in the Pershore area.
The consultation responses confirmed a majority support for the proposals, and Worcestershire County Council’s Cabinet agreed in April 2022 to a commitment to support a collective change of age range to align to fully two-tier system, subject to the necessary funding being fully secured.
An essential part of the required funding relates to the creation of the additional places for Year 7 children required at Pershore High School. The Department for Education submitted a business case to HM Treasury in Spring 2022 to request this funding.
Current position:
HM Treasury have now approved the funding required to create the additional places for Year 7 children at Pershore High School. Currently work is being undertaken to include these additional places in the building plans and understand how long it will take to complete the building project. Once we know this, we will be able to plan and seek views on changes in other schools following a clear timeline and processes that are required before any further changes are made.
If you have any questions about this, please contact: