Trustee Details and Structure
The Trustees focus on three core functions:
- ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, the performance management of staff
- overseeing and ensuring effective financial performance
Avonreach Academy Trust – Trustee Details and Business Interests 2024/25
Trust Structure:
Avonreach Academy Trust has a Board of Trustees with three sub committees overseeing Finance, Audit and Risk, Curriculum and Quality and HR and Well-Being. Each school have a Governing Board.
The Trust Board is made up of a wide range of professionals who through their representation as board members bring vast experience from both education and business.
The Governors within each school or groups of schools work together with the Head Teachers and staff of each school for the good of the pupils whilst also ensuring everything is underpinned by sound financial acumen.
The Trust Board committee membership is as follows:
Curriculum and Quality Committee
Floriane Fidegnon-Edoh (Chair)
Andrew Longdon
Rob Philips
Sue Christian
Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
Ian Cumming (Co-Chair)
Karen Rutter (Co-Chair)
Andy Longdon
Natalie Breeze
HR and Well-Being Committee
Natalie Breeze (Chair)
Karen Rutter
Rob Phillips
Sue Christian